Merewood Country House - Barry and Heather

I've often driven along the coast road between Ulverston and Barrow and looked up at the little church that sits on the hill at Bardsea but never filmed there until now. Once you've squeezed your way through the narrow lane that leads to the even narrower village street, Holy Trinity church sits high up overlooking the vast expanse of Morecambe Bay.
Barry takes my prize as the quietest groom I've ever had to film. Thank goodness for those wonderful little lapel micrphones :) But once the ceremony was over he started to relax a little. Photographer Tiree Dawson had the great idea of going for ice creams down on the shore and it gave them both a chance to chill for a while as well as an opportunity for some bride and groom shots.
The Merewood Country House Hotel always seems to run like clockwork without any fuss or bother. The sun kept shining and everyone was happy - what more would you want. The evening drew in with some very competitive Jenga games on the terrace and then the band kicked in with 'I'll tell my Ma' and the dance floor suddenly filled with whooping and cheering Irishmen and women and that was that - the night had truly begun!